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Profiling a few of the most terrifying waves on the planet

After getting a copy of the just-released book “100 Greatest Waves” by TransWorld Surf and Weldon Owen, we decided to take a deeper look at some of the featured surf spots. What we found is this: these guys are trying to kill you! True, there are the typical high-profile and user-friendly spots mentioned (Malibu, Costa Rica, New Jersey), but along with these beginner friendly locales are far more menacing locations with names that sound medieval and photos that will make you think twice about ever paddling out. … Here are five that seemed particularly menacing    …  More

“The motorist is a source of revenue,” says Richard Diamond. And it’s become his life’s obsession to change that.

By day, Diamond is the managing editor at The Washington Times. But by night, he is a relentless advocate for drivers. It started when he was 16 and got a speeding ticket from a California cop hiding in a speed trap. What Diamond considered an unfair tax and nasty constraint on his newfound mobile freedom has grated on him for 26 years. So Diamond launched into years of research on police ticketing strategies  … More