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Archive for the ‘Kayak, Canoe & Rafting’ Category

The Milner Mile is a class five section of whitewater on the Snake River east of Twin Falls, but this section of the river below the Milner Dam doesn’t run very often.

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Kayaker Aniol Serrasolses has descended a 20 metre ice waterfall in the Arctic Circle – the biggest ever recorded descent of a glacial waterfall.

The 32-year-old Catalan adventurer paddled through the rapids and ice tunnels of the glacial river on the ice cap before descending the ice waterfall in Brasvellbreen, the Svalbard archipelago of Norway. To access to the waterfall the crew had to climb up the ice cap using a ladder and then walk 11 kilometers across the ice to access the glacial river, crossing streams and crevasses. As the first person to run the waterfall Serrasolses chose to name the descent “Philip’s Ladder” as a tribute to the crew.

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Most people will flee in terror when they encounter a shark in the open ocean.

But a professional diver has revealed why swimming away from these apex predators is the most dangerous move.

Kayleigh Nicole Grant, founder of an ocean safari company, showed that it’s best to always stand your ground, face the shark, and — if it keeps coming at you — gently …  More

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