Stoked News – News, Videos, surf, skateboard, snowboard, motorsports, action sports

zeroThe 2009 Zero X is so green that you can eat its battery. Luckily its performance is more appetizing; it’s the fastest electric dirt bike ever.

We teamed up with Fast Company, where you can read about the business and technology behind the bike, and Hell For Leather, for this review.Like the Quantya Strada Wes and I rode around his loft, the Zero X is powered by a Lithium Ion Battery. While they share a few common specs, the X is actually a very different bike. For starters, at 151 lb., the X is 44 lb. lighter, makes 23 HP with 50 lb-ft of torque (twice that of the Quantya) and does 0-to-30 in less than 2 seconds. That’s performance more akin to a 250cc two-stroke, but without the clouds of burnt Castrol R. 

It’s pure power to weight. The 18 lb chassis uses thin-walled aluminum construction standard in auto-manufacturing, making it so light I can pick it up with my fingertips…  More info


The VESTAS SAILROCKET team have returned to the Walvis Bay ‘Speed-spot’ in Namibia for a second attempt at the Outright World Speed Sailing Record.

The WSSRC ratified world record attempt will commence on the 20th of February and will run for 28 days. The VESTAS SAILROCKET team are hungry to finish the journey to the top of the speed sailing mountain. As it stands they need to go a little over 3.2 knots (3.7 mph or 5.95 kmh) faster over the 500 meter course than their previous best record setting performance in order to beat the Kite-surfers. The Kite-surfers set the pace last year when Alex Caizergues did a run at 50.57 knots (93.66 kmh) in Luderitz.

The team have made a number of modifications to improve safety and prevent a re-enactment of their last high speed run where the whole 30’ craft took to the air and performed a spectacular half-loop…  More info

kite-snowOutdoor enthusiasts like Josh Manchester, Phillip M. Journey and Bucko Slabaugh don’t need to buy ski passes to have fun. Just give them a windy day, some snow, and they’re high as kites.

Not literally, though. That would be dangerous and call for swift action.

But the three do love kite skiing and sometimes do it at Montana State University. Manchester, of Great Falls, is a recent MSU graduate in microbiology. Journey, from Florida, is an MSU sophomore in construction engineering technology. Slabaugh, from Bozeman, is a first-year architecture student at MSU…  More info


wakeboardAiring Sunday, February 15, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (5:00 pm Pacific Time), and re-airing another several times during the week, pro wakeboarder Chad Sharpe stars in FUEL TV’s signature 30-minute series “Firsthand.”

In this episode of “Firsthand,” we join Canada’s own Sharpe in the most progressive wakeboarding “Firsthand” yet. We begin in scenic Western Washington where Chad re-visits his roots riding on picturesque Lake Samish, then he heads down to Ronix Wakeboards’ own Radar Lake for a unique night-time rail session.

From there it’s off to Florida for a behind-the-scenes adventure as the Billabong team shoots for its up coming film Out of the Pond. …  More info