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Kayaker Aniol Serrasolses has descended a 20 metre ice waterfall in the Arctic Circle – the biggest ever recorded descent of a glacial waterfall.

The 32-year-old Catalan adventurer paddled through the rapids and ice tunnels of the glacial river on the ice cap before descending the ice waterfall in Brasvellbreen, the Svalbard archipelago of Norway. To access to the waterfall the crew had to climb up the ice cap using a ladder and then walk 11 kilometers across the ice to access the glacial river, crossing streams and crevasses. As the first person to run the waterfall Serrasolses chose to name the descent “Philip’s Ladder” as a tribute to the crew.

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IFSC World Cup, Salt Lake City, 5th May

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Relive the 5 most memorable crashes and collisions of SailGP history alongside our athletes, including some who were on board during these edge-of-your-seat moments.

SailGP is sailing redefined. Established in 2018 and headquartered in London, SailGP is an annual, global sports championship featuring bold, cutting-edge technology and awe-inspiring athleticism. The fan-centric, inshore racing takes place in some of the most iconic harbors around the globe and culminates with a $1 million winner-takes-all match race. Rival national teams from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland and the United States battle it out in identical supercharged F50 catamarans, engineered for intense racing at electrifying speeds exceeding 50 knots (nearly 60 mph/100kmh).

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Watch how Portuguese rescue jet ski driver, Sérgio Cosme, saves big-wave surfers from drowning at Praia do Norte in Nazaré, Portugal.

Cosme saves surfers from giant waves up to 30 meters tall.

Portuguese seaside resort Nazaré is home to some of the biggest waves in the world from October to March.

Jet-ski pilot Sérgio Cosme is one of the people who makes sure big-wave surfers end up safely back on dry land each time.

Cosme lives in a house on a cliff overlooking the sandy, ochre-colored beach of Nazaré – a small resort 100 kilometers north of Lisbon – which is a surfing hotspot.

With waves up to 30 meters tall crashing into the shore, it has attracted surfers from all around the world to try and tame the foaming giants each winter.

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