If you live in California, you’ve heard that you’re not supposed to surf after it rains. Apparently, all the filth we vomit out every day builds up, then runs into the ocean at an alarming rate. Crowd control at its finest and most disgusting. Recently, more than 600 surfers helped researchers look at exactly how disgusting it is.
The study was conducted by researchers at UC Berkley, the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, and the Surfrider Foundation. Although it’s long been assumed that surfing after a rain isn’t all that good for you, there haven’t been all that many studies about exactly what is in the water and how much of it there is … More
Stoked News
Two-and-a-half hours of exercise a week can help mitigate some of the harmful effects of alcohol.
A recent study indicates that those who perform regular physical activity have a reduced risk of death from all causes associated with alcohol. The research, carried out by scientists in London, Canada, Norway and Australia, focused on individuals over the age of 40 – in particular those who drank at between recommended and harmful levels.
As you’d expect, the researchers found that the chance of developing cancer and dying early rose steadily as people consumed more alcohol. However … More
Stoked News
The list of sea water health benefits is nearly endless. But, even if it only had a placebo effect on our physique, our brain would still drive us to the beach.
It’s good to your mood, and it will boost your health. The only thing that sea water does not do is hydrate our body. But that is not even a downside compared to the benefits
Sea water can be a natural drug and medicine. It stimulates our body and promotes the feeling of well-being that surfers very well know. If you live by the beach or … More
Stoked News
Every Thursday, Gary Katz and Christine paddle out from the shores of Rockaway Beach, Queens, to go surfing. They spend about an hour catching waves before hitting the sand to discuss how things went.
But this isn’t just a chat between two surfers — it’s therapy.
The idea came to Katz, a licensed social worker who practices in Manhattan, when he turned to surfing three years ago to counteract burnout from working 13-hour days. He found surfing … More
Stoked News