Stoked News – News, Videos, surf, skateboard, snowboard, motorsports, action sports
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Taylor Steele’s brand new film – “MISSING” – puts ASP World Champion, Mick Fanning, in some of the most radical places on the planet alongside his good friends John John Florence, Jordy Smith, Matt Wilkinson and Tom Curren.

Under the direction of the world renowned film-maker, the project takes Mick Fanning out of the competition world of the ASP, gives him a boarding pass with a blank destination and for 21 days he is relocated all over the world with only a passport, suitcase and surfboard at his disposal. As a result, the surfing is special, raw and some of the best that you’ll see on screen this year. From Africa and Ireland to Central America and Spain, the experience literally is life changing for Mick Fanning.

“I was going on a trip to somewhere but I didn’t know where, kind of like being kidnapped,” said Mick Fanning.

“There was no schedule or timeline, only life. I felt like I was in the real world for the very first time and it made me so happy to see the world that clearly.”

Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett, and Bobby Worrest head to Woodward East.  A magical place with skateparks as far as the eye can see, foam pits, mini-mega ramps, paintball courses, go-karts and more.

We haven’t heard that the Whistler Bureau of Tourism is hurting by any means, but if this association is looking for a sure-fire way to bring visitors to the area, the fourth episode of Get Outta Town, Ender Bender, is a perfect PSA for the shredable acres of the area. Devun Walsh, Ryan Tiene, Benji Ritchie, Dustin Craven, Iikka Backstrom and a few friends get wicked in the steeps and deeps in episode 4 from Get Outta Town.

Welcome to the 2nd annual Stoke-O-Rama. It is the day that groms rule the waters in San Clemente. The Gudauskas brothers hosted about 100 competitors, ages 5-14, in a round robin event where you receive one heck of a goody bag just for showing up. This video highlights one week in San Clemente with the brothers as they free surf around town, get prepared for the event, and give back to the community with their annual grom contest.