Stoked News – News, Videos, surf, skateboard, snowboard, motorsports, action sports
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This is one man’s view of the top ten surfing equipment innovations, other than the surfboard itself. There was a time when surfing equipment was nothing more than a long board with a glassed-in single fin, and a pair of cutoffs. These days the variety, reliability, and scope of surfing equipment is mind-boggling. Here’s one view of the best of the best.

10. Surf wax: There was a time when you would visit the home canning section of your supermarket or hardware store to pick up a bar of paraffin for your board. Remember that? Now you have a choice of waxes for every water temperature and in multiple flavors…  Details

The likelihood of the Mavericks Surf Contest being held this coming season grew exponentially Tuesday when it was announced the event window would open Nov. 1.

It’s unclear, however, whether its most notable name and face will be anywhere near the San Mateo coast when the contest’s green light is given.

Jeff Clark — who gained acclaim for surfing the treacherous break solo… Details

Video Surfing Рpaddle surf Рplaya el Tule РBCS РMexico by alejandro ordo̱ez


Waterskiing Kite Tubing – Kite Tube Crash – My one and only ride on the kite tube!