Stoked News – News, Videos, surf, skateboard, snowboard, motorsports, action sports » Blog Archive » Skateboard Video – Street Skating Mayhem – Mystic Cup 2016
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Prague’s Mystic Cup, on little Štvanice island in the north of the Czech capital, just celebrated its 22nd year in existence last weekend. The festival of skateboarding and skate culture can compete with the very best of them and boasts longevity other events would die for. What Mystic Cup delivers that other events struggle to is very simple: FUN. No Supreme creeps checking their Insta feed, no skipsters throwing shade on this guy or that for his wacky griptape sponsor… just 100% pure and raw skatebaording. Sit back and enjoy these highlights from the event.

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This entry was posted on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6:02 pm and is filed under Board Sports, Skateboard & Mountain Board, Video - general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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