Former pro rider Ryan Mills shares his story of how a BMX injury lead him to ten years of drug addiction and what it took to finally get back on his bike.
Are you planning a surf trip? Make sure you include a surfer’s first aid kit in your baggage.
Accidents and injuries happen all the time, and they can be especially tricky to deal with if you’re surfing in isolated, remote destinations, with poor access to healthcare.
According to a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, surfboards are responsible for 55 percent of all surfing related injuries.
The ocean floor (18 percent), other’s board … More
Well, it sounds like the Navy wants to put quantifiable data up against an anecdotal fact most of us are aware of: surfing makes you feel better. Specifically, America’s protectors of the high seas want to see how the sport can be used to treat military people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The Washington Post dove in head first, reporting that the Navy will spend a million bucks on the research project and that researchers are apparently stoked, as surfing “offers … More
Surfing is a sport that works like a therapy against the demons that sometimes take advantage of our brains. And, although it may not cure you, it will put a smile on your face.
We all know that a lifestyle surrounded by the sea brings a lot of positive benefits to our health. It has impacts on our skin, immune system, articulations, and breathing.
Now, imagine combining those positive effects with … More