French Hill Climb Championship (2019) came to Arette – France for round Impossible Climb. The race was a two-day event in the heart of a geographical beauty. This is a championship which is held since 1984 and you really see how serious the competitors are. The target is to cover a 230m hill which has a soft right curve and jumpy sections.
Day 1 was mostly a show-off and race day for stock dirt bikes, day 2 was the real deal. 56 competitors were ready with their modified bikes. Each competitor had 4 chances and whoever covers the most gets the trophy.
No one made it to the top at the end. The winner of the race was Vincent Mougenot who covered 222,15 meters at his 3rd try.
This is part 2 of the weekend trip I took to Utah with Brandon Wilson to go ride mountain bikes in Virgin, Utah at the old Redbull Rampage sites. This video starts off with ripping 110 cc pit bikes in the coolest area I’ve ever had a chance to ride dirtbikes in Utah, Reed Boggs showed us around the desert and we rode some really rad terrain and even got to check out the 2019 Rampage zone with 110s. After riding 110s all day the next day we woke up early and headed to an old rampage zone from 2012 before the wind picked up, I had a goal this trip to spin a flat drop with my downhill bike and Brandon had a goal to hit a big drop. Reed took us to the spots to get it done. – Dylan Stark