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Archive for the ‘Trials Riding’ Category

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Join myself, Duncan Shaw, and new recruit to the Drop and Roll team, Rory Semple, as we head off to the quiet seaside town of Rhyl, North Wales to go riding for the day! – Danny Macaskill

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I’ve known Jack since he was knee high, I’d bump into him here at Shipley Glen with his dad and at competitions. Jack’s always had a talent for riding and acquired good techniques from a young age. Now he’s grown up he’s evolved his riding and invented new techniques and changed how trials bikes are built and setup. Jack paved the way for a new age of riding and everyone has tried to emulate his setup and riding style but none have quite matched him.

Jack is an 8 times world champion and is still in his early-mid 20s, he’s got a couple of competitors but is still in a league of his own. – Ali Clarkson

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