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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

Getting one shot a day filming in the backcountry is usually an accomplishment on its own, unless you are Mikey Rencz and Jussi Oksanen this is. One day spent filming in the BC backcountry with these guys last year resulted in a grip of shots and not a single fall. If they were surfing they wouldn’t have even gotten their hair wet. If you thought these guys were good before, wait until you see this, not to mention how fun these features look they are hitting.

Hot News: Niederösterreicher belagern Dachstein. from marius carp on Vimeo.

Ares Ruz además de ser un gran rider también es un gran editor, y esta ves colaboro con BOOM BMX con uno de sus mejores trabajos hasta el momento, estamos muy agradecidos con Ares y esperamos este sea solo el inicio de cosas mas grandes.

The film takes a revealing look at the intense pressure that comes with riding in front of a home crowd made up of avid fans and family members at the UK round of the World Cup and also the effect that the unpredictable British weather can have. On the matter of Fort William, Rachel says, “…..past results at Fort William is definitely not my favorite subject” – will the 2012 round be any different?