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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

Eighteen-year-old Yoana Gonzalez was soaked to the skin, but determined to finish her trail ride despite the pouring rain.

Then she hit a slick spot and down she went off her mountain bike. Momentarily stunned, she noticed the people staring at her from a nearby house.

Then she did something that surprised even her: She got up, gave the onlookers a smile and a bow, got back on her bike and   …  More

Thanks to everyone who came out to Venice beach this weekend or donated online to Alex Midler’s 2nd annual Roll-A-Thon for JohnnyKicksCancer. You all raised $7,500 for JKC to help in the fight against childhood Leukemia.

A few weeks ago Bali surfers Garut Widiarta, Made Adi Putra “Bol”, Raditya Rondi, Rahtu Suargita, and “Chongi” hit the road for a 48-hour swell strike mission… and scored!

Pontus Alv and the Polar team traveled to NYC this fall to shred the streets and film for their upcoming video. Teaming up with Joel Meinholz and Fred Gall they built a new obstacle at the DIY spot under the BQE expressway in Brooklyn. After almost getting shut down by a massive storm and the NYPD, the cement dried just in time for us to throw a Bum Rush the Spot event and a whole slew of northeastern skaters showed up to show their support. Thanks to Converse, KCDC, Theories, Thrasher, Loud Headphones and I Am Your Villain for their support.