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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

Red Bull Straight Rhythm is an innovative evolution of supercross where a track is “unwound” — there are no turns, just a 1/2 mile-long straight rhythm section. By isolating just the whoops, triples, doubles, table tops and step on/offs, riders must focus exclusively on reading the terrain directly in front of them and correctly judging their speed for precise distance and control. Some of the world’s top riders (including James Stewart, Ryan Dungey, Marvin Musquin, Malcom Stewart, Cole Seely, Justin Bogle and Jesse Nelson) went head-to-head in a friendly competition on this watershed track, proving there’s potential for a new competitive moto format.

Mark Carter and Adam Dowell cruise over from Jackson, WY to check out the spot. Lots of pow slashing and a teaser of what is to come in the next 6 episodes.

The Coast always seems to surprise and this day is no different. Today finds us exploring just one small fork in the road but has us realize how far the land and the sea can take us. Standing on the bridge between these two mystery worlds gives a true feeling of what-if and what’s next. We witness a little of the unknown everyday and in our case you can never get to the end, all we can do is open our arms and take it in. Finding a balance in what the dark, vast ocean inlet can give you, and the gargantuan rain forest (we call home) can offer — Endless adventure.