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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

A tour with Martin Buetler of

After a rainy day at the Crans bike park we headed up to high alpine to try to do Plain Morte to Sion. But the trail was pretty icy and pretty dicey. Discretion being the better part of valour we then headed down to subalpine. Unfortunately the chue had done their thing to lower trails where we found astronomical amounts of merda de la muca, merde de vaca, chue flade.

But we did a pretty classic tour in fine style capping off our Swiss epic

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Gus Warbington’s B-sides Part is all his footage plus bails & attempts while filming for the mixtape. Gus knows what he likes to ride, & if he isn’t down you won’t see him there. But if he is down then he’s going in!

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Teresa Bonvalot and Miguel Blanco claim inaugural Caparica Primavera Surf Fest powered by O’Neill

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