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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

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At 35 years old Cory Lopez is in the best shape of his life and not slowing down. Recently, Cory took the groms down to Costa and showed them how real men work. He was up at 4:30 each morning doing his wake up rounds, in the water by 5:30. Cory was ripping whatever surf he could find for 10 hours a day, eating two meals, just pure stoke and love for surfing. In Costa Rica he is known as Legendary and this video will show you why…

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Sardaukar are soldier-fanatics who have ruled the Known Universe for over 10,000 years.They are secretly trained on the inhospitable Imperial Prison Planet because, the harsh conditions there ensure that only the strongest and most fierce men survive.

Featuring: Brandon Bowe and Larbi Ederkaoui

Filmed over a week long journey into the Western Sahara.

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