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Archive for the ‘Automobile’ Category

Formula 1 World Champion Max Verstappen enjoyed a chilled start to 2022 as he put some laps in on an ice track against Austrian Speedway legend Franky Zorn. On his first drive back in an F1 car in 2022 with the number 1 on his helmet, Max pitted for some special spiked tyres and had some fun on the GP Ice Race circuit.

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F1 cars are incredibly complex pieces of machinery – but how do you build one? It’s not like you can buy one from the store…

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The governor wants millions of people to drive EVs. What happens to the batteries when they get old is another issue.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has big EV plans for the state. California is the largest EV market in the country, and on Jan. 26, the governor announced a $10 billion proposal to transition the state to clean energy and get people driving EVs. But as Southern California news outlet the Daily Bulletin reports, when these EVs inevitably get old, no one seems to know how to handle or dispose of the old batteries.

We here at Jalopnik have touched on this looming problem before   …  More

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