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Archive for the ‘Auto Misc.’ Category

“The motorist is a source of revenue,” says Richard Diamond. And it’s become his life’s obsession to change that.

By day, Diamond is the managing editor at The Washington Times. But by night, he is a relentless advocate for drivers. It started when he was 16 and got a speeding ticket from a California cop hiding in a speed trap. What Diamond considered an unfair tax and nasty constraint on his newfound mobile freedom has grated on him for 26 years. So Diamond launched into years of research on police ticketing strategies  … More

He’s a tall, lanky Southerner with a penchant for cars, and, of all things, lizards. He teaches Sunday school with his wife. Ed Bolian is the kind of guy you might meet on an airplane and forget before you picked up your bags – with one exception: he claims he’s the fastest man ever to drive across the United States.

That’s right: Alex Roy’s familiar cross-country driving record, set in his now-famous LeMans Blue 2000 BMW M5 during the fall of 2006, no longer stands. It was allegedly broken by a three-man team consisting of Ed, a co-driver, and a passenger, in a 2004 Mercedes-Benz CL55 AMG.

But we’ll get to all that.  First, we should address the term “broken.”   …  Pictures and more

When General Motors shut down Pontiac, it left a lot of enthusiasts wondering why. It was primed with a lineup of powerful, rear-wheel drive models, and seemed like it had a bright future ahead of it. It turns out that GM killed it on government orders, according to former GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz.

Friend of Jalopnik and west coast editor for Autoweek Blake Rong had an interview with Lutz today, and from what Rong is putting out on his Twitter feed, it’s full of plenty of bombshells. None bigger, though, than this one:   …  More

What’s the fastest you’ve legally driven? If you’re in the U.S., probably 75 MPH. Well, if you have a fast car you want to redline it without going to jail I would recommend a trip to any of these ten locations    …  More