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After nearly 15 years of delivering live beach and wave imagery through Surfline’s extensive camera network, allowing users to check their local breaks and conditions through over 100 online surf cameras, Surfline launches the HD surf-cam experience exclusively for premium subscribers. Over the past few days, five new surf cams have been launched, giving Surfline premium users a high-definition camera experience at Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Rocky Point in Hawaii, South Ocean Beach in San Francisco and Malibu.

The crystal-clear views of the breaks and conditions through these HD cameras is nothing short of spectacular – users are able to see all the detail of the waves and swell coming in, almost like they are standing on the beach checking it themselves. Surfline has rolled out a number of these high-resolution surf cams starting with Huntington Beach and will continue to release new HD cams throughout the spring and summer.

Surfline’s founder Sean Collins says, “In March 2009, Surfline introduced the very first live HD Surf Cam from Surfline headquarters in Huntington Beach. Using a 16:9 format and high-resolution detail, the video streaming quality is excellent, and viewing the online camera is as if you are actually on location and watching the waves from our office. Over the next few months, visitors to will enjoy many more HD Surf Cams as we upgrade our cam network around the country… More info

A FEW years ago, Grant Humphreys was surfing a three-metre wave with mates at the fabled Javanese reef break Grajagan, a place famous for its long, hollow left-hander.

What happened next is a common fear of surfers. He fell and was held under water for what seemed like an eternity, even though it was probably a few seconds.

“You get a blackout feeling, and then start panicking about the next wave coming over,” Mr Humphreys said.

The experience lingered in his mind and eventually inspired a project for the final year of his industrial design degree … Details

Whether it’s the selection of the raw materials, the recyclability of the finished products or the optimization of the energy required to manufacture and transport the products, Oxbow and the Lafuma Group are both committed to identifying solutions that will noticeably reduce the impact of its products on the environment. A constant objective that all our design and production teams work to achieve each and every day.

For the Spring/Summer 2009 collection… DetailsÂ