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Archive for the ‘Skiing’ Category

One does not simply stomp a ski-film-worthy trick on their first attempt. Instead, skiers typically eat sh#t many times and go through a great deal of pain before reaching their goals. To show you how hard these athletes work to make it all happen (and also provide you with some priceless entertainment), FREESKIER and Level 1 teamed up to create this: a compilation of the crew’s very worst crashes from the 2016-17 season.

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It’s no secret that skiing and snowboarding are both weather-dependent sports. From November to April, mountain riders are glued to their conditions reports, waiting for storms to roll through and deposit a fresh layer of snow on their favorite alpine resorts.

But what if you could ski or board without worrying about snow levels? In fact, what if you didn’t need snow at all? Well, there are actually a handful of locations around the world that will let you get your downhill adrenaline rush sans the white stuff.

Sure, it might not be better than the real thing, but here are five places to get your ski fix without snow  …  More

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Moon Line is a project featuring Professional skier Mathieu Bijasson and focuses on his new outlook on life. With the arrival of his daughter and his new role as a father, Mathieu takes this passion and love for life and rethinks his approach to night freeskiing.

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Join Jesper Tjäder and Emma Dahlström as they go on an adventure through Peru and Ski on the slopes of one of the highest sand dunes in the world.

The dune of Cerro Blanco sits at roughly 2100m above sea level and requires hours of hiking in the sun to reach the top. Once at the top the dune can provide runs for over 1km, a truly unique experience in sand skiing.

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