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Archive for the ‘Board Sports’ Category

Twenty competitors trekked to the north eastern town of Fraserburgh in Scotland for the BKSA Wavemasters 2009.

The forecast was looking epic for the week and current 2007 and 2008 champ Will Bennett was there to defend his two year title.

Wednesday dawned with registration from 9-10 am followed by a Riders briefing.

The wind was light however picked up gradually during the day with a nice 4 ft swell – blowing crosshore from the left giving port tack conditions.

Riders had 10 mins to be scored on their 2 best waves …  Details

Video Skateboard – Volume 13 Issue 02 (2005) Extras Coming in Hot Bowlriders – The issue comes jam-packed with explosive skating from an all-star lineup. Charging in with an unforgettable Openers segment, the momentum continues with an epic Chaos featuring Jake Nunn, Richie B…

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Storm force winds and relentless seas restrict competition on the final day of the 2009 World Tour giving Marcilio Browne the opportunity to wow the crowds and win some cash in an epic Sylt super session.

With the wave contest fully complete, it was only the freestyle and slalom guys that could have possibly competed on the final day of the Colgate World Cup Sylt. Every effort was made to ensure that the second round of freestyle or a few rounds of slalom could be completed in time for the closing ceremony. Unfortunately the competitors were greeted with extremely high winds and huge North Sea waves making any form of World Class competition not only impossible but also very dangerous…  Details

The morning began with a short skippers meeting at 09h30 and the decision was made to finish the sliders competition first, starting at 11h30.

The prize giving for Course Racing was done in the morning and the Minister of Sport attended to congratulate the riders and present the trophies.

We then went onto to the final for the men’s sliders, where a 20 minute heat was completed and …  Details
