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Archive for the ‘Off-Road & Dirt Track’ Category

“Myself, Skrany, keaton, beckering, and buttery ripping around kernside” – Joshua Hill

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Part 1 – Shredding The Moon
We took Darryn Durham, Tyler Bereman, and Dustin Nowack on a little adventure to the ultimate moto playground, a place we can only imagine is the closest thing to riding on the moon. Silky dirt and giant gaps, the potential was endless at Swingarm City. It turned out to be the perfect place to test the limits of the new 2018 Redshift MXR, and the bike was more than up for the challenge. 100ft sends and epic climbs stood no chance against the electric force of the MXR. That’s one small step for man, one giant gap for motokind.

Part 2 – After an epic session on the moon aka Swingarm City, the guys drove east with the Redshift MXR toward the red planet of Moab. Breathtaking scenery and ripping around with your buddies on a bike in the middle of nowhere. This episode is what freeriding is all about.

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2017 marked the 50th anniversary of arguably the toughest off-road race in the World! Stretching from Ensenada to La Paz, racers travel across some of the most intense terrain this planet has to offer along the Mexican Peninsula.

No matter the obstacles that lie ahead, all of the racers have one thing on their mind… WINNING!

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