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Archive for the ‘Mt. Bike’ Category

Take a peek into the life of one of mountain biking’s best riders, Brandon Semenuk. From building the perfect line at his five-acre home in BC, to competing around the world, Brandon manages to find the perfect equilibrium in a life that’s anything but normal.

New bike, new camera and fresh snow. We don’t need something else to have a great time with Vincent Tupin and Benoît Gurnel in front of the lense! Winter is getting you far from your bike? Have a look at this edit and change your mind.

Near the end of September, North Face athlete Mike Hopkins spent three weeks with filmmakers Andre Nutini and Liam Mullany of Absolute Zero on a road trip exploring America’s West.

In total, we had traveled more than 7,000 kilometers (4,400 miles), processed inconceivable quantities of roadside cheeseburgers, slept under the Nevada stars on the roof of the truck, poached multiple campsite showers, accidentally drove the wrong way on a 6-lane highway in a full-sized RV, slept in the crater of a volcano, lost a camera to the torrential rains and gone from Summer to Winter all in the span of just over three weeks.