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Archive for the ‘Mt. Bike’ Category

A love for cycling is stronger than any injury. This video will show you that the handicapped riders can participate in any adrenaline sports!

Michal Kosik sacrificed everything to mountain biking. He used to spend almost every day in the saddle of his bike. But after a serious accident five years ago he was sentenced to remain seated for the rest of his life. His spinal cord will probably never heal.

Michal is an athlete. And the true athletes never give up. He decided to build his own off-road quad and get back on the wheels. Then, thanks to the support by SKODA, he teamed up with famous freerider Richard Gasperotti. Together they travelled to the French province of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to ride the steep slopes once again.

Michal’s quad is quite remarkable and it can give hope to many other handicapped men and women all around the world. A hope they will get back on wheels, too!

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Team CRC/Nukeproof downhill rider Sam Hill crashed hard in the final section of the Hafjell World Championship downhill course, putting an end to what was set to be a gold winning place

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