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Archive for the ‘Powerboat’ Category

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We love to race – that’s just the long and short of it all. While a very small handful of men and women are fortunate enough to enjoy the thrills of life as a professional racecar driver, there are yet handful more who can afford it off to the side; plenty of entry-level events let you race just about anything you own. Still, for most of us regular folks, having a dedicated racecar to daily-drive or racing a dedicated commuter or family car just doesn’t make sense. But rather than let the professionals and ballers have all the fun, us commuter-driving, regular guys find our own things to race.

Sometimes, it’s less about budgetary constraints and more about the fact that it can be raced out of necessity   …  More

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A small field didn’t mean small action. There was a podium to decide in clear and blustery conditions at Oakura, Taranaki. The swell packed some real punch for it’s size and tested all the boats. What a great Nationals for 2018.

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All over the world, the humble little dinghy boat is the safe and simple introduction to boating for millions of people. Not in the town of Renmark, on the banks of South Australia’s Murray River, however. There, in the otherwise sleepy town of just 8,000 souls, they like to strap souped-up outboard engines to their little dinghies and then race them at speeds of up to 80kph in a race that since 1981 has grown a deserved reputation as one of the fastest and wildest events on water, the Riverland Dinghy Derby.

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