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Archive for the ‘Powerboat’ Category

ski-racerFollowing the cancellation of the ski race classic the Club Marine Southern 80, ski racers have thrown their support behind the victims of the tragic bushfires devastating parts of Victoria.

Organisers, the Moama Water Sports Club, was forced to cancel Sunday’s racing for the first time in the race’s history when all Ambulance and emergency services were withdrawn from the area to assist in fire areas.

Well-known ski racing veteran Greg Houston, owner/driver of ‘Stinga’, led the way when he pledged $1000 to the bushfire appeal.

Many others came to the fore, donating prize money won to the appeal…  More info

subaviator-fast-sub-plane_mediumSubAviator Systems has designed a new two seater submarine designed for advanced marine exploration. Made from a lightweight composite and designed like an underwater airplane complete with wings, the SAS Aviator submarine uses electric power to travel up to 5.2 knots and descend up to 1,000 feet deep in sea water. The Aviator can make up to four one hour training dives in a single day or stay underwater for up to five hours at a time on a single longer mission. …  More info


The L.A. Boat Show opened on a high note considering the challenging economic times. On the whole, exhibitors reported more interest that far exceeded expectations.

“We’re happy and making sales at the show,” commented Scott Driesbach, Advantage Boats COO with factory headquarters in Lake Havasu City, AZ. “It’s been a long six months, but after this Saturday and Sunday, we’re feeling much better about what 2009 holds in store. We closed several deals the first day and the introduction of our new 34 XFlight model created a lot of consumer buzz and plenty of quality leads that we’ll be following up in the weeks and months ahead.”

“This was pretty much the sentiment expressed by the majority of exhibitors at the show,” said SCMA Executive Director, Dave Geoffroy. “What was very encouraging…  More info


‘Auckland brothers Warren and Scott Lewis bring ’Fairview Doors and Windows’ across the line to take out round one of the NZ Offshore championship. – Offshore action across the Tasman’    Phillip Hoskyn

 It has been labelled ‘Thunder on the Gulf’ as New Zealand’s offshore racers prepare for the second round of the 2009 Rayglass NZ Offshore Powerboat championships set down for next Saturday (February 14).

Race organisers have mapped out an open sea course off the Gulf Harbour Marina, north of Auckland.
Cary Gleeson, vice-president of the NZ Offshore Powerboat Association (NZOPA) has described the course as ‘traditionally pretty challenging.’
Gleeson, driver of ‘Doosan’, is the current series leader in the Superboat Lite class.
‘Some parts of the course can be very rough, with other legs fairly flat depending on tide and prevailing conditions; the race will always be interesting as some boats will be set up for the rough and that can often produce an upset victory,’ he added…  More info