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Archive for the ‘Kayak, Canoe & Rafting’ Category

The list of sea water health benefits is nearly endless. But, even if it only had a placebo effect on our physique, our brain would still drive us to the beach.

It’s good to your mood, and it will boost your health. The only thing that sea water does not do is hydrate our body. But that is not even a downside compared to the benefits

Sea water can be a natural drug and medicine. It stimulates our body and promotes the feeling of well-being that surfers very well know. If you live by the beach or  …  More

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Red Bull Party returned to the shores of Waikiki’s Queen Beach for the third time on August 28, 2016, and Shonduras was there to capture all the gnarly wipe outs. Competing teams were decked out in themed costumes, performed a skit on the beach and paddled out together to collectively catch waves.

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Before endurance and water sports existed, there was canoe paddling. Initially a vehicle used to hunt and fight has now become one of the largest growing fitness and endurance sports in the world. The U.S. outrigger canoe paddling team from Kona, the Red Bull Wa’a, have taken the age-old sport by storm and challenged the tenure of the Tahitian paddlers.

For the Red Bull Wa’a, paddling isn’t just a means to peak personal strength – it’s spiritual. Team captain, Kainoa Tanoai, says “When you’re paddling for four hours a day, you’re focused on the goal of competing at the highest level, but you’re also focused on being one with the ocean and respecting the canoe, your teammates, and the sport.

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Produced by Frederic Ullman, Jr., for Pictorial Films in the early 1940s, this relatively short “Sportreel” black-and-white film is titled “Riding the Crest” and takes its’ viewer to Honolulu, Hawaii. At mark 02:20, the narrator explains one of the island’s most popular sports: body surfing. (The title itself is a reference to surfing and the ability to successfully ride the crest of a wave.) The narrator explains the “how to” basics of surfing as we see scenes of novice and expert surfers out in the ocean.

The viewer is also introduced to surfboarding starting at mark 03:04, in which the brave hearted are said to ride a “streamlined ironing board” as men are shown heading out to the Pacific Ocean and the narrator again explains the basics. Scenes of outrigger canoes follow, and at mark 05:44, the viewer is returned to surfboarding as we see a bikini-clad novice surfer practicing her balancing techniques on dry land, followed by more scenes of experienced surfers riding the waves. As the sun sets at mark 08:34, the narrator reminds the viewer that “so long as there is a surf on the island, there will be sport … and sportsmen to ride the crest.”

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