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Archive for the ‘Kayak, Canoe & Rafting’ Category

More than 40 kayak in the water at the same time during the World Championship in Pantin, Spain 2015. Expression Session – Best Move!

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We got really lucky the other day and found the 80ft waterfall on the Eksingdalen river was in! We had a few scary thing happen and had to take Pirmin to the hospital but all was good and his arm wasn’t broken. – Bren Orton

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Around the world in THREE YEARS! Thousands gather to welcome home traditional Polynesian canoes in Hawaii after they sailed across the globe clocking up more than 60,000 nautical miles, visiting 150 ports and 23 countries

A canoe replica of a traditional Polynesian voyaging vessel has returned to Honoulu after completing a three-year journey around the world.

Thousands of spectators gathered around the island of Oahu, Hawaii to welcome the Hokulea boat back on Saturday   …  Pictures, video and more

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