Archive for the ‘Kayak, Canoe & Rafting’ Category
Nouria Newman is no stranger to adventure as a professional kayaker, but when she embarked on a solo mission to be the first person to paddle the Pitt river in British Columbia during winter, a few things didn’t go entirely to plan… After carrying her kayak through the snowy wilderness she accidentally sprayed herself in the face with bear repellant
Kayaks, a winch, wompers and softops make for a good day on the North Shore!
Discover in this video the last surf trip of the Solamanzi team in Ireland.
On the way to surf for the Irish open, competition held in Easky, under the eye of the maestro @Loïc Pierrot, the riders Noé le Meil, Pablo Arrouays, Cyril Samson, Océane Lucas & Virgile Humbert went for few days of good surf in the North West coast of the country. Surfing, enjoying the rainy but beautiful landscapes and nice people of Ireland.